
Easy and automated management of P2P platform Bondora portfolio for beginners and professionals

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Manage your portfolio automatically!

With BeePlus you can create rules for automatic portfolio management using Bondora's API. This gives you free time to do something you love.

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How it works?

Create Rules

You can create different rules having access to plentiful of detailed filters.

Manage Portfolio

BeePlus will automatically manage your portfolio on your behalf using your rules.

Have Full Overview

Each action will be shown with details giving you full overview of what's happening. Even failed actions are shown so that you can tune your rules accordingly.


BeePlus offers different data for analytics so that you can tune your rules even more to get better results. BeePlus tries to be as transparent as possible without leaking any private data.

About BeePlus

Jarmo Pertman

BeePlus service is operated by an Estonian company called BeePlus Automation Ltd (registration number: 14187060), which is owned by Jarmo Pertman. I've been using Bondora's platform for about 4 years now. I've created this service to manage my portfolio more efficiently by having a better control over it and automating as much as possible and found it to be helpful enough to share with the rest of the world.

If you have any questions or problems at all then drop an e-mail and let's get it sorted!